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It's All About The Angle of Taking Pictures

One picture makes me look bigger and rounder.

Here is the scoop : Every picture we see on television, the internet, social media platform... is not always telling us the truth.

The fact is that it takes many many attempts to take one good picture and it is the angle of taking pictures that makes a difference. Remember, the body is a #Divine gift and our (im) perfections are to be celebrated to the best of our capacities ... Our jiggly belly, our cellulite, our stretch marks are something to be proud off and love dearly... Always remember to be kind to the body, the heart and love all the angles and focus on how Sexy Brilliant we are from within. Thanks for reading... You are a diamond... Tag a friend who would find this helpful •




Sexy Brilliant

Devina Kaur

Self Love

Positive body image





body mass index

weight loss

sexy curves


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