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Can Unemployment & Prosperity Co-Exist During The Coronavirus Pandemic?

Updated: Jul 18, 2020

It is easy to go into panic mode when the bills are piling up and one has to choose wisely about what food to put on the table. There is no denying that these are hard times for many people around the globe.

As a full-time single mum, not only must I provide for my family, but for my extended work family as well. As head of a non profit organization, I am responsible for putting food on the table for the many people who work for us.

As a global organization focused on social change, we really care about our local community and every community around the world. We want all of you to thrive and have access to universal abundance.

Here are 7 TIPS to help you push through and return to prosperity:

1. Trust that you have what it takes to find the right opportunities that will serve your needs.

When we believe in ourselves we invite others to believe in us too. Know yourself, know your gifts, know your darkness, use that to find your new you. Most importantly don’t be afraid to re-brand yourself, be it your next career or a new job.

2. Limit your focus to the top 3 things that are truly important to you right now.

When you focus on too many things, it is like trying to carry too many dinner plates. When you have too many plates to manage you will probably spill, drop and break them all. However, if you only carry a few, you should be able to manage them. Choose what you focus on wisely.

3. Look for opportunities to take action on your intentions.

When you know what you want, you know what to look for. The key is to be ever aware of the present and to take action on your goals when the opportunities arise. This way you are always in charge of co-creating your new reality.

4. Care for the things you already have.

Do not waste your precious time, resources, and money on things that will keep you at a low frequency. Do not waste your energy on anyone who is harmful to your overall well being. That is not to say you should never buy pretty flowers if you truly enjoy them, or help someone who is truly in need of comfort - but choose how you spend your limited resources.

5. Make sure that you make every dollar you spend count.

What you value you will attract. Know what you are spending on and how it serves you. A lesson I learned from my grandparents who were refugees into India, always be prepared. I personally like to shop during sales and stock up on necessities for a rainy day.

6. Let people know about what you need and learn to receive with gratitude.

It is a pleasure to give, so when you let people know what you are looking for, you give people a chance to contribute towards your success. Receiving with gratitude and knowing that you are being blessed by friends, family and the universe, will contribute positively to your overall well being. (Readers of books, please consider reading my 1st book here).

7. Give away what you can create in abundance.

In order to invite abundance into your life, you must be overflowing with generosity. We all have a unique gift that is meant to help us and the world in some way. Perhaps your gift is networking, you are good with numbers, or you are an artist. You should use your gift to make this world a better place for all of us. This act of generosity creates a ripple effect for others to pay it forward.

As we awaken to our true inner power, I hope to see equal distribution of resources and access to clean water, food, and shelter for all. There is indeed so much to be grateful for.

I personally want to thank you for your most valuable time in reading our weekly #SexyBrilliantBlog as we all come to terms with the reset of the global economy.

No doubt these are uncertain times.

However, tough times create authentic leadership and you are the leader of not only yourself but all the people you come into contact with and consequently influence. I believe in you.

Much love always,


We hope this message is received in mutual respect, love, and gratitude. For additional resources please check out one of our free inspirational videos or more K.A.U.R. â„¢ blogs here.


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